DATE: Monday, January 22nd – Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024
TIME: 10:00am – 4:00pm EST
Boothmap & Employer Lists (Adobe PDF files)
Monday, January 22 (Day 1) | Tuesday, January 23 (Day 2)
On January 22nd and January 23rd, we will host an in person fair on campus at our Exhibition Hall. The one day registration fee is $1,200.00. After January 8, 2024, the registration fee will increase to $1,400.00.
NOTE: We are limited on booths and must host our in person career fair over the course of two(2) days. As a company you must make the decision on which day to attend. Please note that each day will give you access to all students and majors. One day does not cater to a specific major or college.
NOTE: Students are able to attend BOTH days of the Career Fair and are NOT restricted to a specific day.

Employer Registration for the All Majors (In-Person) Career Fair is now CLOSED.
To learn where to park and how to get to the Exhibition Hall.